abstract naturalist
abstract expressionist

Gerald Domingue is an admirer of nature – its forms, colors and mysteries. He developed an interest in painting and science in early childhood, a passion which he has continually nurtured since the 1940’s. He grew up in rural, Acadian, southwestern Louisiana surrounded by nature’s beauty and mysteries, an exposure which undoubtedly influenced his development as a painter/scientist and stimulated his imagination and creative ability. He was educated as a medical scientist; pursued a career for thirty-three years in university academics and scientific research, and is internationally distinguished as a medical researcher and scholar. This autodidactic artist painted on a limited basis throughout his educational training and professional life.
He retired from the faculty of Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana in July, 1997, and is painting full-time. As an abstract expressionist, he has developed his own unique style which excels in the dynamics of movement in illusional – dimensional form, particularly as this motion relates to biological life. Training and experiences in the basic medical sciences enhanced his awareness and perception of the beauty and vulnerability inherent in all living forms. In his paintings, he strives for expression of the flow of energy, while searching for a balance with harmony of color. He endeavors to interpret nature’s moods, colors, and the subjective emotions and responses (not objective reality) that arise from his imagination while venturing through the wide spectrum of nature’s beauty (flora, fauna, microbial life). The microbial world which he knows so well leaps out of the microscope in bursts of color onto deftly painted surfaces. His paintings demonstrate a keen sense of curiosity, intuition, and observation, qualities which are necessary for success and happiness in science and painting. It is evident from his work that he massages the intellect to create interesting shapes and hues that result in lifting the human spirit. There is an impulse by the viewer to reach into the painting to touch and feel the structures.
Most of his recent works are abstracts painted with oils on Masonite. Although oil is his favorite medium, he also paints with gouache and mixed media on paper. He skillfully and artfully presents images in outstandingly beautiful colors and shapes, creating an enjoyable experience. He shares with the viewer a connection between science and painting, the creative side of his personality, and expression of feelings. Overall, his paintings are aesthetically pleasing, imaginative, and poignantly expressive. Professor Domingue is a sophisticated and intellectual artist/painter/colorist who is in touch with surroundings and acutely conscious of mental perception and human sensitivity.
His works show talent, skill, and awesome powers of imagination. His originality is convincingly shared with the viewer through these beautiful abstracts. The real or fanciful images which he creates are remarkable for their harmony of color, innovation and inventive artistic whole. The elegant splendor of mind and emotion shines in his creative ability.